Show Information
Respond to:
Diamond Records/AVI Media
PO Box 186 Sutherland, VA 23885
Al Green (email:
Jerry Walker (email:
Diamond Records and AVI Media are pleased to introduce The Sound Exposure Talent Hour!
The Sound Exposure Talent Hour is an entertainment based, instructional television program dedicated to the career development and exposure of the community’s aspiring musical talent. The show will air weekly on broadcast and cable TV outlets throughout the state of Virginia, beginning in Richmond May 4, 2002 on FOX (Channel 35).
To meet the objectives, each edition of The Sound Exposure Talent Hour features discussion with industry professionals, interviews with national and regional talent, and advice on all aspects of a career in the entertainment industry. The highlight of the show is the local talent spotlight, where focus is given to a rising star from the local community.
The television show will be the launch point for the remaining Sound Exposure agenda, which includes a radio show for local talent, compilation CD recordings, a newsletter, career workshops, a large scale talent search/tournament and the Sound Exposure Foundation, an organization that will provide material and financial assistance in support of the arts and education.
A variety of sponsorship opportunities exist for those who would like to support this endeavor and it’s goals. We can develop an involvement plan to suit your specific branding and publicity needs.
We appreciate your support of The Sound Exposure Talent Hour and our aim of
bringing new opportunities to the area's creative community.
Al Green and Jerry Walker, Producers
Sound Exposure Talent Hour
The Sound Exposure Talent Hour
Sponsorship Outline
The Sound Exposure Talent Hour is a music and entertainment oriented television show, whose objective is to provide local talent a resource for career development and meaningful exposure to the industry and the public. The program is part of the multi-faceted Sound Exposure agenda, which aims to support and enhance the music and creative arts opportunities within the community.
Target Audience Gender
& Age: Male and Female, 18 – 24 yrs. / 25 – 34 yrs. / 35+
Short Description
of Sponsorship: Several levels of sponsorship are available for companies
to participate in this new and exciting venture. The show will air on broadcast
and cable television in multiple markets in the state of Virginia. Additionally,
talent searches and promotional events will take place at venues throughout
the state, including college campuses, nightclubs and performance venues.
The TV show is part of the multifaceted Sound Exposure initiative, which
entails all forms of media in its mission to provide opportunity for talent
from the local community.
Detailed description:
The Sound Exposure Talent Hour is a thirty minute recorded television program
designed to recognize, encourage, nurture and showcase musical talent from
the local community. The show features segments produced to provide local
talent a resource for career advancement information. These segments include
interviews with professionals from all aspects of the music and entertainment
business, covering topics such as copyrights, Internet music, non-performing
career opportunities, and recording studio tips. The entertainment portion
will highlight up and coming performers from the local community, in addition
to music videos and interviews with national recording artists as well
as an industry news brief.
In each broadcast market, local performers will be recruited through talent searches and showcases held at area colleges and performing venues. These events will enable the show to remain a community-based initiative, supportive of the performing arts and creativity among youth and young adults. In addition to these opportunities for performers, the talent searches will provide an extra avenue of exposure for the show and its sponsors.
Broadcast Markets:
The program will premier in Richmond on FOX-35, with expansion planned for Norfolk
as well as on local cable television in the Richmond metro area, Petersburg/Tri-Cities, Tidewater region, and Charlottesville.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Master Sponsor, Seasonal Sponsor, Title Sponsor, Segment Sponsor, Official
Supplier and General Sponsor. Details for each level of sponsorship are
on the pages to follow.
Locations to receive
Media Coverage: Initial coverage will include the Central Virginia
markets reached by the broadcasting network, which including the Richmond metro area, Petersburg/Tri-Cities area and Charlottesville. Additional media coverage will include the Tidewater
region, with expansion to western and southern markets. Additional regional and national coverage will include music, entertainment and lifestyle publications (print and electronic), as well as the Internet.
Details of Media
Coverage: Cable and broadcast television advertising, local and regional
press coverage on television and radio, in print, and the Sound Exposure
web site.
Opportunities for
Brand Awareness: Sponsor inclusion in the show’s introduction and closing
titles. Thirty (30) and/or ten (10) second ad spots within show. All advertising,
media and promotional campaigns will include sponsor branding and acknowledgements,
including press releases. Prominent branding at all event venues, including
banner advertising, product placement, product sampling, merchandising,
and announced acknowledgements. The Sound Exposure web site will provide
banner or text links to all sponsors web sites, in addition to a brief
description of the sponsor’s business.
How will it showcase
a sponsor’s products or services? Master, Seasonal, Title and Segment
sponsors may broadcast its products or services with commercial spots aired
during each broadcast. Products and services can be displayed, sold, included
as door/raffle prizes and gifts at talent search and promotional events.
Sponsors will be included in press releases and featured in media interviews
when appropriate.
Production Schedule:
Production for the first season of programs will begin the week of March
11, 2002.
First Date of Airing:
Broadcast will begin in May 4, 2002 in Richmond on FOX-35. Statewide
expansion will roll out during the summer and fall of 2002.
Length of Broadcast
Season: Each broadcast season will consist of thirteen weeks of original
programming, with at least one broadcast weekly in each market.
Web presence details:
A web site will be maintained in support of the show. The site will be
used to promote the show and recruit talent. The site will also serve as
a conduit for the talent featured on the show. Information and segments
from the show will be available for online review. Sponsors will be allotted
space for a company description and a banner or text link to their existing
web site.
Why this event should
be considered for sponsorship: The Sound Exposure Talent Showcase offers
an excellent opportunity to associate your brand with a community-based
endeavor. Promotion and advertising of the show will increase visibility
for sponsors as a supporter of the community by aiding its aspiring new
talented youth. The related talent searches provide opportunities to meet
face-to-face with potential customers and to gather leads and data from
those in attendance.
In addition, the television show is part of a bigger picture for the Sound Exposure brand, which will grow to include a radio show, compilation CDs, printed and electronic newsletters, a large scale talent tournament and a foundation to support the creative arts and education. Your sponsorship will aid in the objective of providing area performers an opportunity to expand upon their talents and increase their potential for career advancement.
To receive a sponsorship package or additional information about
The Sound Exposure Talent Hour
Contact the Producers
Copyright 2002 Diamond Records/AVI Media. All rights reserved.